a future in which all the world’s meat would be grown in labs; what, he asked, was the sense in raising a whole chicken merely for the sake of its wings or breast meat?

" Synthetic food will, of course, also be used in the future. Nor need the pleasures of the table be banished. That gloomy Utopia of tabloid meals need never be invaded. The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation."
Churchill imagined that lab-grown meat would prove a great boon to society, and will replace raising livestock on farms altogether.
In The 21Century "We assume that progress will be constant."
“Let’s make a proof of concept, and change the discussion from ‘this is never going to work’ to, ‘well, we actually showed that it works, but now we need to get funding and work on it,"-- Dr. Mark Post: The idea of creating meat in a laboratory —
Building a $325,000 Burger?
We all take the modern conveniences and facilities as they are offered to us without being grateful or consciously happier. But we simply could not live if they were taken away.
It is also very fortunate, for if it stopped or were reversed, there would be the catastrophe of unimaginable horror.
"Mankind has gone too far to go back, and is moving too fast to stop."
This concept may sound like the makings of a bad science fiction movie: A company that harvests human tissue to make meat products such as salami. But a new start-up called BiteLabs is claiming to want to make human test-tube meat a reality.
And they want to use celebrities to do it. Can you believe that?
"Here's how it will work," as to the celebrity angle, BiteLabs is hoping they can use celebrities to warm people up to the idea of consuming the meat.
While eating human muscle tissue may sound cannibalistic, BiteLabs claims its meat will be free of “animal cruelty, waste and from the environmental impacts of industrial farming,” and that it is simply fulfilling the next step in food evolution;
As hundreds of people are petitioning celebrities to donate tissue samples.
Does this sounds like a balanced, nutritional meal?:
Scientist's grotesque claim that human waste can be turned into edible meat-like substance has caused some gastric flutter across the world. Scientists gave the substance a color and then added soy protein to give it the meat flavor. And the people who ate it said it tasted like beef. The concept of "waste not, want not" has been taken to a whole new and level. But doesn't the story smell just a little funny?
“The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.”
There never was a time when the inherent virtue of human beings required more strong and confident expression in daily life; there never was a time when the hope of immortality and the disdain of earthly power and achievement were more necessary for the safety of the children of men.
Where Are We Going?:
Projects undreamed-of by past generations will absorb our immediate descendants; forces terrific and devastating will be in their hands; comforts, activities, amenities, pleasures will crowd upon them, but their hearts will ache, their lives will be barren, if they have not a vision above material things.
And with the hopes and powers will come dangers out of all proportion to the growth of man’s intellect, to the strength of his character or to the efficacy of his institutions. Once more the choice is offered between Blessing and Cursing. Never was the answer that will be given harder to foretell. —
Winston Churchill: Fifty Years Hence, December 1931.
What makes Winston Churchill relevant in the 21st century? Members of the Churchill family and the Churchill Centre answer the question in this video short.
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