Sunday, March 3, 2013

Publisher of Hale Groves catalog (SFS), acquires Pittman & Davis

Southern Fulfillment Services (SFS) is a Florida based company that currently owns multiple catalog brands related to citrus and gourmet food categories.
SFS provides private label fulfillment for national catalog and internet companies. Services range from order processing to customized packaging for perishable and nonperishable products. SFS has the infrastructure to handle warehousing and fulfillment for your business, large or small and is well positioned for future growth in specialized fulfillment. SFS
intends fully to continue to market the Pittman & Davis catalog as a standalone brand. The president of Southern Fulfillment Services, said, "Pittman & Davis is a well-run organization and we are happy to welcome their employee and management team to our group."

The Pittman and Davis brand
 was a family owned company that's been in business for over 80 years, specializing in the delivery of wonderfully orchard fresh fruit, smoked meats, cheeses, pastries, candies and other scrumptious gift food items.
Pittman & Davis is a well known brand throughout the mid-west states and Texas area. Hundreds of unemployed applied for seasonal jobs at Pittman & Davis in Harlingen, as the company sought to hire 350 seasonal workers.

 How Terms of Events can Impact one's Lifestyle ... In the 1920's, Frank Davis, Sr., his wife and two children lived in the state of Missouri. They were told by their family doctor that their extremely allergy prone 8 year old daughter, Jane, would be better off if they moved directly south to the warm, healthy climate of South Texas. Frank and his wife Kitty had tried everything for their daughter's health and this was the only solution they seemed to have left.

 Faith meets Destination ...  Frank Davis had worked for 14 years for a large mail order business, in the early days of mail order, selling household items to rural areas of America. His first trip to South Texas was by himself by train to see what his job prospects might be. Frank arrived near the border of Mexico and decided this was about as far south as he should go.  

The Pittman and Davis Venture ... In Harlingen Texas, Frank met a real estate agent who introduced him to a local fruit grower named Howard Pittman. Howard had always wanted to try selling his prize winning citrus by mail order. Frank Davis and Harold Pittman were soon good friends and their idea soon became discovered by families across the United States. Howard Pittman sold his share to Frank in the late 1930's.

 Tree Ripened Fruits and Gifts Since 1926 ... P&D has been in business for more than 80 years, Frank and Kitty's son, Ned that moved to South Texas in 1926 as a 2 year old later became CEO of Pittman & Davis and worked with his sons Frank and Ted and daughter Cathi to produce and deliver the finest citrus fruit grown. ~ The Pride of Pittman & Davis.
You may request Pittman & Davis Catalog, or you can View Online Catalog 

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