The Savvy Consumer:
Avoid Non-Sense, Scams and Ripoffs That Cost You Time and MoneyYou have the right Not to remain silent with the given Right to fight back!
Learn how to spar with car salesmen and avoid paying crooked mechanics. Savvy as you want to be; keep movers from holding your belongings hostage, the rule book is on your side that makes debt collectors go away. You’ll learn how to make telemarketers stop calling and junk mail stop coming. Want to find unclaimed money in your family’s name? Bid for exotic bargains at a government auction? The Savvy Consumer shows you how to snag the deals and sidestep the deceptions.

The name is Elisabeth Leamy, she gets to the point; hundreds of consumer calls on her tip line at the Washington DC affiliate of Fox News. Consumers call in after losing hundreds or thousands of dollars to car dealers, mechanics, contractors, movers—you name it!
As an investigative reporter Elisabeth has delved into all the scams and now puts what she has learned into this invaluable resource. The Savvy Consumer shows readers how to spar with car salesmen, how to avoid paying crooked mechanics, and ways to bargain down closing costs when you buy a house. Elisabeth explains how to keep a mover from holding your belongings hostage and what your rights are if you’re a renter.
She reveals the single step that makes collection agents go away and easy ways you can instantly improve your credit score. Want to find unclaimed money? Bid for bargains at a government auction? Want to make telemarketers stop calling and junk mail stop coming? What are the most common scams and how can you avoid them? It’s all in The Savvy Consumer, along with more than a hundred other topics.
Elisabeth educates readers by sharing anecdotes about real consumers and their struggles. She explains the signs to look out for, the questions to ask, how to do your homework, and where to complain. There are hundreds of books about making money. This book is about keeping your hard-earned cash.
"Eli"explains how To SAVE BIG, you don't want to miss this!
Now it's time to make money-saving moves that actually matter. Elisabeth believes people are looking in the wrong places --like the bottoms of their latte cups-- in their search for savings. To SAVE BIG we need to focus where we spend big, namely on Houses, Cars, Credit, Groceries and Healthcare. SAVE BIG shows you quick, easy ways to save tens of thousands of dollars in these key areas.
Elisabeth "Eli" Leamy is the Consumer Correspondent for ABC News' "Good Morning America"
Leamy also contributes consumer stories to World News and other ABC programs. Elisabeth has been nominated three times for Business and Financial Reporting Emmys for stories on the internet underworld of identity theft and also the going out business and gold buying investigations. Regionally, she has received 13 Emmy Awards and four Edward R. Murrow Awards. Eli loves her beat because it's not theoretical.—
Her stories matter to people and their pocketbooks.
Po'boy! An Online Network Presentation/Publications:
“I have never understood the importance of having children memorize battle dates. It seems like such a waste of mental energy. Instead, we could teach them important subjects such as How the Mind Works, How to Handle Finances, How to Invest Money for Financial Security, How to be a Parent, How to Create Good Relationships, and How to Create and Maintain Self-Esteem and Self-Worth. Can you imagine what a whole generation of adults would be like if they had been taught these subjects in school along with their regular curriculum?”― Louise L. Hay, You Can Heal Your Life
If you are about to send a child off to college or to a gap-year program, you’re probably busy with last-minute shopping, packing and worrying about roommates. Here’s one more thing you should do as you prepare for the big separation: Two Documents Every 18-Year-Old Should Sign.
Thoughts On The Business Of Life;
'Public relations, in this country, is the art of adapting big business to a democracy so that the people have confidence that they are being well served and at the same time the business has freedom to serve them well'― Arthur W. Page
Here's a Thought: "Seniors-only!" . . . How can you save more money . . . find more deals . . . and grow your retirement fund to the point where you'll never run out of money, is it really possible? You may not believe it.
A skeptic might wonder how this out-of-print collection of New Yorker articles from the 1960s could have anything to say about business today. After all, in 1966, when Brooks profiled Xerox, the company’s top-of-the-line copier weighed 650 pounds, cost $27,500, required a full-time operator, and came with a fire extinguisher because of its tendency to overheat. A lot has changed since then. But the fundamentals have not. "The best book on investing that has ever been read." The problem with the overwhelming focus on success is that valuable insights from failure are drowned out. This tendency is called How “survivorship bias,”
Tricks Entrepreneurs.
Cash flow is an important aspect of any business. And, it's particularly critical for a small business growing on a shoestring and a prayer. In the hectic day-to-day operation of a business, it's common to overlook the many holes in your small business through which your cash is leaking. Here are Unexplored Ways of how Your Small Business Loses Money.
Standing out strategically is an art form because it is often a fine line between distinguished and awkward. Here are ways to get noticed for all the right reasons.
In some ways, the ideas of capitalism and altruism seem to be at odds with each other. While the objective of business is often to make a profit, for a growing number of entrepreneurs, this isn’t the only objective. Here are the stories of six women who started companies that define success not only in financial terms, but also in terms of helping others and making the world a better place.
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“At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets.”
― @SteveMaraboli
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